Family Fun: Best Winter Activities

Family Fun: Best Winter Activities

There’s nothing better than getting one’s family together for a good time. And when the snow starts to fall, and the air gets cold, there are plenty of activities that members of any family can do to keep themselves entertained. The following are just a...
A Parent’s Guide to Dealing With Bullies

A Parent’s Guide to Dealing With Bullies

Introduction Bullying is a serious issue that plagues students of all ages. Whether it is physical, verbal, or online, this form of intimidation can have long-term psychological effects on both the victim and perpetrator. For parents concerned about their...
Helping Children With Anxiety

Helping Children With Anxiety

As parents and caregivers, our greatest wish is to be able to raise healthy, well-adjusted children. Seeing a child struggle with feelings of anxiety and stress is difficult, and many don’t have the tools to manage these feelings on their own. If left untreated,...
The Importance of Teaching Children Financial Lessons

The Importance of Teaching Children Financial Lessons

Kids learn by observation. They will watch you and anyone else they see around them. Soon enough, they’ll pick up thinking patterns and actions from what they’ve seen. It is critical to be the one who teaches your children about money. You don’t want...
Back To School Fundraising Ideas

Back To School Fundraising Ideas

When a new school year begins, teachers and other staff might need to raise funds for projects and events. Instead of directly asking parents for money, holding a fundraiser is often an option used in many schools. Here are a few ideas to consider that are fun for...
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Parents are the first role model for their children. Not only do parents teach their children how to succeed academically, but they also have an impact on their child’s emotional intelligence. Encouraging children to succeed scholastically or in the realm of...