If your aim as a parent is to instill a love of learning in your kid, it is far better to be interested in what they are doing rather than how well they are doing it. Children, like newborns, have an intrinsic curiosity. They are eager to explore their surroundings, soaking up new knowledge and abilities like sponges. Allowing your child to do what comes naturally is best to captivate a young mind.

However, this innate joy of learning is frequently lost along the road. Many youngsters detest, if not despise, school and learning new things. Fortunately, a passion for education may be established and nurtured via a few easy tactics. Some ideas to adopt to encourage your children to like learning include:


Share Your Interest

Tell your youngster about amazing things you’ve discovered. Explain what happened and why you found it so intriguing in simple terms. Even if they don’t fully comprehend the issue, children can sense your interest. You’ll also be saying that learning doesn’t stop in childhood.


Stack Books Around The Child

Consistent availability of books boosts a child’s drive to read; thus, keep books within easy reach and set aside a particular time to read together each day to cultivate your child’s passion for reading. Discuss the narrative with your kid and determine what she thinks will happen next. Active engagement improves her comprehension and keeps reading enjoyable.


Make The Most of Your Child’s Natural Interests

Recognizing a child’s interests and offering support and encouragement should be our responsibility as parents. Children show the path, and we assist them in getting there. Even when your child is a baby, you may tap into their interests. If you allow your newborn time to observe, touch, or taste something that they are already interested in, rather than moving them on to another toy or activity, they will learn more.


Understand When to Back Off

Parents should not micromanage their children but rather allow them to work things out for themselves while still assisting. By conquering obstacles on their own, they build a sense of competence.


Pose The Correct Questions

Every day, your youngster is undoubtedly bombarding you with questions. Turning things around and posing some to him, on the other hand, might pique his interest in learning.


Reward Avoidance

Research indicates that rewarding children for accomplishing something reduce their enjoyment of the activity. The emphasis moves away from the learning process and toward the reward.



The desire to learn is evident from the moment a kid is born. The best we can do as parents and teachers is to keep that wish alive throughout their lives. A solid foundation can help make negative experiences less destructive while instilling a lifetime love of learning.